Merit Line Oy

Merit Line on tarjonnut laadukkaita palveluja pk-yrityksille vuodesta 2008 alkaen. Tavoitteena on aina etsiä yksilöllisesti kullekin yrittäjälle sopivimmat ratkaisut. Esimerkiksi oikein suunnitellulla yhtiörakenteella asiakkaamme ovat säästäneet jopa kymmeniä prosentteja verotuksessa.



Minulle on kertynyt laaja-alaista taloushallinnon ja verotuksen kokemusta mm. verotarkastajana, tilitoimistoyrittäjänä, KHT-yhteisön osakkaana ja pörssiyhtiön tilintarkastajana.

Nykyään olen keskittynyt lähinnä yrityksien ja niiden omistajien verotuksen optimoimiseen.

Muu konsultointi
Our Company

Over the course of our company’s history we’ve accumulated a portfolio that speaks volumes on the level of our expertise. Many worldwide brands with a 9-10 digits capitalization have been using our consulting advice since our founding day back in 1992…

Awards won
Best Team

Our strong conviction is that if a business is to be optimized, it’s to be optimized in a full cycle manner!

Our expertise spans from business and investment consulting and well into HR/recruiting and M&A fields…

Damien Kasmarek

Director of Production
team 1

Vanessa Hayes

Creative Director
team 3

Tom Marvolo

team 2
Rational Pricing

The insurance marketplace has a lot of restrictions and limitations, which the insurance companies oftentimes try to use as the loopholes for getting away with not paying you.

1 user


$0/ month
Easy and intuitive
100% GP
WordPress Live Customizer

1 user


$2/ month
Valid and well-documented code
Fonts integration
Top-notch Design
WordPress Live Customizer

1 user


$5/ month
Coded by geeks for humans
Well Documented
24/7 Live Support
Fully Responsive
Tarvitsetko apuaVerotukseen liittyvissä asioissa?
People Say

What business owners say about our theme… In the last 20 years we’ve protected the interests of many corporate clients

testi 1
“Business litigation has always been what our competitors were using to suppress us...”
Jhon Doe
Regular Customer
testi 2
“When my boss tasked me to choose the theme for our corporate blog, I lost my head…”
Vanessa Hayes
Regular Customer
testi 3
“Then I found these guys! Finally, 3 months later the truth and the law prevailed, all thanks to this firm's lawyers diligence!”
Richard Lesberry
Regular Customer
testi 1
“Business litigation has always been what our competitors were using to suppress us...”
Jhon Doe
Regular Customer
testi 2
“When my boss tasked me to choose the theme for our corporate blog, I lost my head…”
Vanessa Hayes
Regular Customer
testi 3
“Then I found these guys! Finally, 3 months later the truth and the law prevailed, all thanks to this firm's lawyers diligence!”
Jhon Doe
Regular Customer

Tarvitsetko apua verotukseen tai sopimusasioihin liittyvissä asioissa. Laita viestiä, palaan asiaan pikimmiten. Kiitos!


040 5455 494